Your article should be at least 1000 words. You can also break longer articles into a multi-part “series”.
List any relevant references at the end of your article and cite them within the article using this format.
Please choose a specific question, problem, or topic to write about in your article. Readers appreciate unique approaches to specific topics than more general articles.
Remember to keep your article positive, informative, and easy-to-read.
Article submissions should be unique (not previously published elsewhere) and written by you.
Please proofread your first draft before submitting it. It’s a good idea to have a friend or colleague read over it as well.
Please include your bio (around 150 words) and a headshot so we can add them to your article and on your personal author page (click here for an author page example).
Don’t worry about including any photos, unless you have images that are specifically relevant to your article. We’ll add a featured image before your article is published.
After you submit your article, you’ll work directly with a Time2Track editor to make your article stand out. We usually do one or two rounds of editing.
We will work with you on the timing of your article to make sure it gets the most exposure possible. Depending on its relevance and topic, it could be published immediately after the final edits are complete, or several weeks later.
When your article is published, we’ll send it out to our subscribers and post it to our social media channels. We encourage you to share your article on your social media accounts and/or email it to your friends and colleagues as well!
And don’t forget to respond to any comments that are submitted after your article is published.
You retain ownership rights to the blog articles you write for Time2Track. You also have the option to republish your articles in part or full in the future (with credit to the original publishing body), as long as you include a “canonical” link back to the original article. This type of link prevents search engines from penalizing both sites for duplicating content. Please let us know if you wish to republish your content and we will provide you with the appropriate HTML code to include with the republished content.